Our address is 2124 Front St San Diego CA 92101. We are on the 3rd floor, unit 6. You may check in at or anytime after 3:00 pm.
Free street parking is permitted on all streets surrounding the unit, please pay attention to street sweeping signs when parking.
Garage parking: PLEASE ONLY PARK IN DESIGNATED SPOTS LABELED 6, theses are the 4th and 5th spot on the left when you enter the garage. They are labeled handicapped, but disregard. Garage opener will be inside the unit upon your arrival, please ensure you leave it when you check out.
We have set our home up for a self check-in. The front gate code is #1254, after you enter, you will head straight back to the elevator on your right and head to floor 3. Our condo is the first door on the right (Unit 6) as you exit the elevator. The front door key can be found under the mat to unlock the deadbolt (top lock). Please only lock the door using the deadbolt when you come and go from the unit.
To prevent dirt being brought in and stains on the rugs, we do ask that you please do not wear shoes in the house, as you would not in your own :)